
Title Description
GAM_Artists Artists and artworks with extracted emotions/sentiments o biography
GAM_Catalogue_plus GAM Museum catalogue (version 24/10/2022) enriched with information on iconclass concepts and curators' notes on materials, artistic techniques, authors and their artistic movements
DMH - Pop_up_VR_Museum - Objects classification - English Classification of all objects from Design Museum Helsinki's permanent collection that are currently in the Pop-up VR Museum. The information about these objects is stored in this dataset in English.
DMH_91Stories_DEGARI_SemanticAnnotator DMH: Narratives 91 stories from VR Museum (Helsinki) about design objects from workshop participants, classified by DEGARI (UNITO), Semantic Annotator by H-FARM, Putchik and SenticNET7 API.
DMH - Pop-up_VR_Museum - Objects classification Classification of all objects from Design Museum Helsinki's permanent collection that are currently in the Pop-up VR Museum. The information about these objects is stored in this dataset in Finnish, Swedish, and English.
DMH_213Stories_DEGARI_SemanticAnnotator DMH: Narratives 213 stories from VR Museum (Helsinki) about design objects from workshop participants, classified by DEGARI (UNITO), Semantic Annotator (H-FARM), Plutchik and senticNET7 API
GAMGame_ArtEmotions_DEGARI_users GAMGame dataset with emotion and users interactions completed with DEGARI and Art&Emotion (merged version 16 september 2022)
HechtTest To test various items before entering real data
Activity_Session_Definitions_Test Activity Sessions available (all collections)
GAMGame_UserInteractions GAMGame dataset with emotion and users interactions