
Title Description
GAMGame_UserInteractions GAMGame dataset with emotion and users interactions
DMH: Narratives 123 stories - DEGARI Classification DMH: Narratives 123 stories about design objects from workshop participants, classified by DEGARI (UNITO)
DMH: Stories collected from users Several stories of design objects collected from users during workshops.
Multistage_Form_Activity_Definitions_Test Multistage Form Activity definitions (for testing purposes, activity specification still in progress)
DMH: Narratives stories - DEGARI Classification DMH: Narratives (stories) about design objects from workshop participants, classified by DEGARI (UNITO)
GAMGame_stories User generated stories from GAMGame (version 24/06/2022).This dataset contains GAMGame stories from 17/02/2022 to 27/05/2022
Deep Listening Dataset for the Deep Listening application
SSA - DMH Spice Semantic Annotator - Collection of contents from the use case of Design Museum Helsinki, analysed by SSA
SSA - MNCN Spice Semantic Annotator - Collection of contents from the use case of Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, analysed by SSA
SSA - HECHT Spice Semantic Annotator - Collection of contents from HECHT use case analysed by SSA